This is my approach to converting a Drupal (version 8.8 or greater) site from being built with tarballs and the GUI to a Composer-based site. I use ddev for my local environment to set up containers that provide Docker, Composer, and Drush. This approach assumes some degree of comfort with the command line interface (CLI).
Inventory the source site for contrib modules and themes and make a list of modules and themes with versions. I use a spreadsheet for this.
Find modules and themes in the hierarchical directory tree in your code base.
Find versions by looking at the list of modules or themes in Admin panel.
Get machine names and versions in Admin panel on modules list and themes list on Appearance page.
It can be very helpful to install the upgrade status module, which will generate a report that lists your currently installed modules, their version number, and available upgrades.
(Do the same with custom modules and themes if you have any.)
Prepare specific materials from source site for later import:
Create a folder for composerize info
Make and download a tar.gz or zip of the files (cd to web/sites/default , then tar -zcvf files.tar.gz files)
Export a copy of the database (either BUM or phpMyAdmin)
Download a copy of settings.php and then name it old<site>settings.php
Create a new ddev Drupal project with defined directory structure using recommended-project template:
cd Sites
mkdir <project-name>
cd <project-name>
ddev config --project-type=drupal8 --docroot=web --create-docroot --mariadb-version="" --mysql-version="8.0"
Now you have an appropriate directory tree in: /Sites/project-name
(Until DreamHost updates their mysql from 5.7 to 8.0) create in .ddev a mysql directory and add a collation.cnf file: .ddev/mysql/collation.cnf
collation-server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci
character-set-server = utf8mb4
Start the ddev container:
ddev start
Now you have the configured container running with ddev tools, and web access urls created (but not yet usable)
Install Drupal core using composer
ddev composer create "drupal/recommended-project:8.9.2" (use the correct 3 digit version to get the correct drupal core.
You will use the existing core modules and themes and deal with updating core later...)
It knows which version because you have configured the container.
It will ask about overwriting /web - Yes
Make sure drush is available:
ddev composer require "drush/drush"
Create directories in project root
Fix new settings.php by transferring settings from source settings.php into new project settings.php:
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] (if this has been set)
Set path to private: $settings['file_private_path'] = $app_root . '/../private';
Set path to tmp: $settings[$settings['file_temp_path'] =] = $app_root . '/../tmp';
Set path to config/sync: $settings['config_sync_directory'] = $app_root . '/../config/sync';
Add contributed modules:
(Manual method: edit json file - not recommended) -
Composer method (recommended): run ddev composer require "drupal/<module-name>:<version>"
Can do as one command: ddev composer require drupal/module-name-1 drupal/module-name-2 drupal/module-name-3 etc
Use quotes
About versions:
Find composer require string by clicking version number on module page of
If we do not specify a version, we will get the latest version, which could be a problem, so best to specify a version.
^1.0 = latest stable version at 1 or greater (generally best option to pick)
~1.0.0 = anything below 1.1 (~ allows only last number to increase when doing semantic numbering)
^1.0.0 = anything after first number that gives major version can increase, so up to 1.0.99 but NOT 2.0
1.x-dev = always dev
1.1.4 = exact version
Ranges can also be specified as ">" (greater than), ">=" (greater than or equal to), "<" (less than), or "<=" (less than or equal to).
Finalize this: ddev composer install
Add contributed themes:
(Manual method: edit json file - not recommended)
Composer method (recommended): run ddev composer require "drupal/<theme-name>:<version>"
Find composer require string by clicking on version number on
Use quotes
Can do as one command (see modules) or one at a time
Finalize this: ddev composer install
Add files with user-generated content (/web/sites/default/files)
Add ALL files but do not replace - ore remove - the generated files: js, php, css
Import database
Put exported SQL file in root of project-name
cd Sites/project-name
(ddev import-db source=dbname.sql did not work)
ddev import-db and then giving full path when prompted worked: /Users/pheski/Sites/project-name/file.sql
Use drush to update db and clear cache
ddev drush updb
ddev drush cr
Launch site
ddev launch
Now make modifications in order to upgrade core to current version (9.3.x)
Install and set as default a D9 compatible theme
Update modules
Update core
After testing and making changes/improvements it gets moved to production:
Export db (file.sql)
Create zip or tar.gz of entire project
Upload db file to level above production root
Upload and uncompress zip or tar.gz of entire project (note: drupal codebase is in project-name/web directory!
Export a copy of the production db 'in case'
Use SSH to import the new db into the production db (you DID make a backup, right?)
Using the DreamHost panel, redirect the server to project-name/web
Remove the TLDN from the old version...
(Note - can do this with a new production db and new project, removing the tldn from the old project so it is easy to revert.)