For content related to my family.

Sunset (a poem)


(for KE)

Your sun has set, and I was not prepared.

Your light, hard shuttered, gone missing from my path 

Reveals no more the places you would show.

Your warmth reduced to memory, mere hint of what it was

While yet it burned.


The moon has tried its best, through faint remembrance

Offered up through gentle darkness by the night.

Scarce real enough that shadows come to pass,

It warms me not, nor lets me see what walks outside my walls.

A lesson learned

I think it was during 6th grade that I found the envelope of money on my way home from school and realized immediately that it was enough to purchase the PeeWee Reese shortstop glove I so dearly wanted from Tim and Tom's Sport Store on Central Avenue. 

Opa and the magic certificate

The call came just after breakfast on a Saturday.  A patient of one of my partners was hoping I could do him and his employer, Bates College, a favor and see a woman who was not a patient in our practice. She was visiting from out of town to see her grand nephew graduate on Sunday but had taken ill, and was reluctant to visit the ED.