There are four questions that should be asked AND ANSWERED as soon as a project is initiated, a problem solving process is started, or an issue is identified for analysis.  

The questions are:

  1. Who are the direct and indirect stakeholders? (A stakeholder is anyone likely to be impacted by the issue or changes in the issue.)
  2. Who - beyond the stakeholders - might have expertise, knowledge, interest, or alternative perspectives about this project or issue?
  3. How do we ensure that all the stakeholders, as well as any others with expertise, knowledge, interest or alternative perspectives, are aware of this initiative?
  4. How do we ensure that all the stakeholders, as well as any others with expertise, knowledge, interest or alternative perspectives, are easily able to track and contribute to this initiative?

Addressing the questions on Day One doesn’t guarantee success, but failure to do so most certainly increases the risk of failure.



Links to more on this topic: