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PCP pet peeves

Ask any primary care clinician for a list of pet peeves and one of the top three will be: “Doing my consultant’s work.”

Just to be clear, the overwhelming majority of specialist consultants DON’T do this. But some do it occasionally and a few do it as a matter of routine. Every time it happens, it rankles.

A few examples:

In praise of the history

In medical school, I was taught to TAKE a medical history in such as way that I didn’t MAKE a medical history.

At the time this seemed burdensome and inefficient, another of many unmeetable requirements whose justification was either ‘that’s how I was trained’ or ‘you’ll understand when you have more experience in medicine.’  Well, now I understand. And I no longer chafe (much) at the patience and work involved in letting the patient tell their story, in their own words, and largely at their own pace.

The interview tell

It was the summer before my last year of medical school and I was traveling around the US for family practice residency interviews. My wife and I were staying with some of her college friends while I looked at a program in Denver.