My blog represents my personal experiences and perspectives. This includes many anecdotes from my medical practice. I have been scrupulous to anonymize these anecdotes and to avoid ever belittling or making fun of patients. (I often make fun of and criticize myself, my colleagues, and the institutions where I have worked.)

The idiots are winning

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."

Robert Cringley (columnist, author, host of "Triumph of the Nerds")




I found this on a scrap of paper tucked inside an old version of the Appalachian Mountain Guide. I suspect I copied it from a Hut register, though I do not remember. My note indicates it was written by Poetry Man in 1993.

Ode to the grumps


Long ago, in a distant land, in circumstances seeming dire, a dear friend penned this for me. It surfaced this week while I sorted papers. Like all truths and most good literature, it is timeless. I offer it, with thanks to Jill, for those in need.

Ode to the Grumps


Many a time it hath been stated

to the grumps we oft are fated

tho' such condition is rare to find